Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Narrative structure within the trailer for Chronicle

I am going to be looking at the narrative structure within the trailer for the movie Chronicle and how the trailer is used to represent and establish the plot. The opening scene o the trailer shows the three lead characters, a this point they are represented as the protagonists. It shows three teenage guys driving a car and singing along to the radio as they have fun and laugh. This instantly establishes the audience and direction of the film as by these first few seconds show the theme and style of the film as it is fun and aimed at a teenage audience. Regarding narrative theory, more specifically Tzvetan Todorov's narrative structure this has established the equilibrium as there has been no sign of disruption.

The next scene establishes the setting for the film and clarifies both the target audience as well as the age of the characters as the trailer shows a college campus then pans to a group of cheerleaders. The reason for this is due to teenage stereotypes of teenagers and sex. Relating to Roland Barthes these are displays of semic code as these scenes connote the setting and theme of the film.

The trailer then moves past the point of disruption due to an event within the movie as one of the characters stabs the other in the hand with a fork. The way this is portrayed is something like a dare as the character that is stabbed seems to be compliant. As he stabs him the fork bends an the characters and is fine, they all laugh about it. This instantly triggers Roland Barthes narrative code but more specifically enigma code as the reason behind the characters powers is hidden creating intrigue.

The trailer continues to use the enigma code as it display a series of comical events where hey use their Powers in entertaining ways. The way they use the cinematography is meant to create a sense of confusion later within the film as the audience would assume the boy holding the camera, as the film uses found footage for various shots He wold the be the main character, the protagonist however he quickly is presented as he becomes the antagonist as the disruption is then seen as them developing their powers.

During the trailer they talk briefly of their powers, this connotes that they must have recently got them a they are trying to explain it and develop their powers. The series of scenes where they are playing with their powers begins to link to Levi-Strauss and binary oppositions as they soon find themselves choosing/ struggling to right and wrong, funny versus cruel and many more. The antagonist, who was seen as the main protagonist at one point; faces lots of binary oppositions within the trailer as he becomes power hungry and loses his friends this creates the conflict of power or friendship.

The trailer then begins to reach the climactic point within the film, known from Todorov's theory as the conflict. As Andrew the recently established antagonist has became corrupt and power crazy as the protagonist try to stop him. The scene that shows Andrew crushing a car with an angry look on his face this connotes his recent role. The montage of climactic scenes of violence and explosions are voiced over with numerous characters shouting at Andrew telling him to stop and warning him.

The trailer then rewinds to show the initial disruption as it shows the scene of where they initially got their powers. And then Ends, within the trailer their is no new equilibrium as is a convention within film trailers as this would show how the film would have ended, for example the hero would have clearly won. However with this films, since their are so many perspectives and potential protagonists it is much less clear to who would have won creating a great sense of suspense for the audience.  Overall, the narrative structure of the film would be that of a circular structure as it goes from various points of the film, end to beginning as the trailer rewinds.

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