Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Movie Magazine Final Design

Movie Poster Final Design

Here is the final design of my movie poster. I am very pleased with the final outcome as the layered/ staggered effect of various backgrounds works really well with the displaced subject as it connotes how unstable the character is. I feel as the composition that I had chosen also works really well as it is very contemporary and innovative as I wanted it to represent that of a polaroid picture especially since the movie is labelled Picture. The colours and contrast of a blue hue work really well to give the cinematic look that many posters portray. Finally I feel as the font compliments the image very well aslo as the san serif combination is very effective especially since each font looks very similar.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Media Trailers final edit

Here are the final edits of my film trailers. I added various sequences of text that relate to the film and are directed to the audience. I also used various lines of text in a voice over format to add context and narrative to the trailer.
I am pleased with the final outcome, but feel as though the trailer could have done with more action and a slightly faster pace.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Media Trailers Initial Edits

Here are the initial edits of my film trailers. I am pretty pleased with the outcome as currently the editing is relatively smooth and the cinematography manages to maintain a smooth and natural process.
However from looking at various existing products I realise that there is a lack of voice over,and text within the trailer. These are the key features needed in order to promote the product and inform the audience.